Solvometallurgical Battery Recycling using Deep Eutectic Solvents
As global society moves away from conventional fossil-based energy sources and towards greater electrification, the amount of waste lithium-ion batteries is only going to increase. This study is to develop an eco-friendly, low-cost solvometallurgical process using deep eutectic solvents (DES) in order to separate and recover strategic metal resources (Li, Ni, Co, Mn, etc.) from spent Li-ion batteries.​
Research Topics
Solvometallurgical Li-ion battery recycling using deep eutectic solvents
Postdoctoral researchers: Shuang Liu, Stuart Aberdeen
Graduate Students: Hongmin Jeon
Interns: Hiring​
Sponsors: NRF (Innovation Research Center, IRC), POSCO Holdings
Collaborating Partners:
Innovation Research Center (IRC) at Seoul National University, POSCO Holdings