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Smaller and Safer Disposal & Storage of Radioactive Waste

The principles of disposal are the isolation of radioactive waste from the society, to delay radionuclide releases and allow them to decay out, by means of multiple barriers. The engineered barrier systems are to prevent and delay the release of radionuclides to the host rock, but its complex interactions with environments require further attention. Corrosion and dissolution of waste forms and canisters are consequences of very complex multi-physics and multi-component environments.


Research Topics


  • Multi-physics modeling of engineered barrier systems for chemical process and material performance

    • Researchers: Nakkyu Chae, Samuel Park, Pilhyeon Ju

    • Sponsors: KAERI, TSNE


  • Material degradation of engineered barriers for a geological repository at normal and high temperature

    • Researchers: Nakkyu Chae, Seongkoo Hong

    • Sponsors: KAERI, KORAD


  • Multi-physics modeling of material degradation for dry storage

    • Researchers: Sangjin Kim, Samuel Park

    • Sponsors: KORAD


  • Composition and source-term characterization of used nuclear fuel from various reactor types

    • Researchers: Ji-eon Kim

    • Sponsors: KETEP


  • Radioactive waste management of non-LWR advanced SMR

    • Researchers: Eunbi Cho, Samuel Park

    • Sponsors: KETEP​


Collaborating Partners:

Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI), KTH Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Korea Institute of Materials Science (KIMS), Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), Korea Radioactive Waste Agency (KORAD), Taesung S&E (TSNE)

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